Thursday, December 4, 2008

Mirror's Ledge

I have a problem with Mirror's Edge that I've seen reflected (Get it? Mirror? Reflect? Har-har) in various reviews. It's the insistence that you stay on the move while having no sure direction to stay on the move towards. Often times you're being pursued by bad men with big guns who will herd you along with bullet fire while you panic and play spin the camera. Now, there is the option of a single button that has Faith look in the general direction of where the programmers want you to go, but odds are, it's a vague lead and not likely to do more than disorient you for a few moments. Just long enough to be riddled with lead.

Now, Mirror's Edge is a beautiful game, and definitely one of the freshest offerings this side of Jet Set Radio, but hopefully round two (provided we ever see it) will refine the formula already at work here.

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